Cleaning Wool Carpet Plus Pest Control
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We were asked by a customer to clean their carpets. We were told they hadn’t been cleaned for about 3 years, so we recommended the deep steam clean using the truck mounted machine.
Pure Wool Carpets
Once we arrived and had a look at the carpet, we identified the carpet as pure wool. This type of carpet when doing any type of clean from a steam clean or a dry clean must be left as dry as possible at the end. Wool carpet is very expensive and, if not cleaned correctly, can cause all sorts of problems from browning to going out of shape.
After doing an inspection of the carpeted rooms, we had found some areas that had been damaged by carpet beetles. In the pictures shown, you can see the damage they can cause to a wool carpet.
Pest Control Treatment
The damage was slowly getting worse from what the customer had told us, so we recommended we do a pest control treatment also to kill any remaining larvae. When doing a treatment of this kind, it’s very important that a thorough treatment is done, and what we mean by this is not just a light spray around the edges. The spray needs to be directed at the base of the carpet where it meets the skirting board.
The carpet clean alone will not eradicate carpet beetle larvae from the carpet; it must be also treated by a licensed pest control operator. As our carpet cleaning technicians are all licensed pest controllers, we can carry this treatment out at the same time as the clean, saving you time and money.
A close eye needs to be kept on the affected areas by the home owner or tenant over the next month. If there are still signs of larvae after this time, then a second spray is needed. This should be explained by the pest controller at the time of the service.
- steam cleaning woollen carpet.
- damage to wool carpet from carpet beetle larvae
- Wool Carpet – Steam Cleaning